This was definitely a very fun and creative assignment. Similarly to completing daily creations I had to stop myself from thinking too hard on trying to make something perfect or correct when taking my photos. I just let myself have fun and be creative!
I started at 1:22 which I screenshotted on my phone lock screen. The first picture I took was of my desk. The description was “Make a photo that emphasises one color much more than any others in the shot”. The pink mirror to me is very emphasized over the other colors in the photo so it felt like the perfect picture to match that description.
The next photo I took was of my most prized possession, which is my dog Teddy!
The next photo description was to Take a photo using a camera setting that you are unfamiliar with. I used the “pano” option in my camera roll which is something i’ve never used before even though its been an option on my phone for years. The photo is just one section of my room. I actually think this feature would come in handy for group pictures now so, I actually learned something new with this one!
The photo description labeled “Take a photo that represents the idea of openness”, was definitely the hardest I couldn;t think of what to do for that one and I didn’t want to run out of time for the others so I just took a picture of an open door.
“Take a photo that represents destruction”. This description was also a bit challenging at first, but then I remembered I just broke my one and only measuring cup which was a pretty irritating moment so I decided to add that.
“Music is what feelings sound like.” Make a photo of something musical. I’m not a musical person so I don’t own a lot of musical equipment. Though I was just gifted a sweatshirt by my favorite artist Ariana Grande, so I decided to take a picture of it because she represents music to me.
Lastly “Fences and walls can divide or demarcate. Make a creative photo of a fence or wall”. This one didn’t take me too long to think about mainly because I only had 6 minutes left. I decided to make a very petite and small wall of the books I’m currently reading.
I finished the assignment at exactly 1:42 which is surprising because while doing the challenge I totally forgot there was a time limit!