Andrew Garfield has been one of favorite actors ever since I first watched “The Amazing Spider-Man” in 2012. Ever since then i’ve been following his work.
I decided to do a mini compilation of some of my favorite scenes of his. These are just my Top 3 favorites, but all of his work is great in my opinion.
The first scene in the video is from “The Amazing Spider-Man”. This was a very intense scene and I feel like you can really feel the emotion of the scene even if you don’t have any prior knowledge of what’s happening in the scene.
I remember crying in the theater when I first watched this scene.
The second scene is from the movie “Social Network”. This was also a very intense scene and has gone viral multiple times in the past.
If you’ve seen the movie you probably understand how exciting this scene was for Andrew’s character and finally sticking up to Mark Zuckerburg’s character. This is a very iconic scene so I had to included it.
Speaking of iconic, the final scene is ranked number one for a reason. Of course I had to include the scene where Peter Parker finally becomes “Spider-Man” in the movie “The Amazing Spider-Man”. This movie holds such a special place with me that’s why I included two scenes from the movie, but there’s so much more to include.
I edited the scenes, transition effects, and music on “Canva”. I hope you enjoy!
AssignmentIdea, VideoAssignments
Sincerely, Kristen