It was interesting reading all of the postman’s different thoughts on technology. One thing I found interesting that the postman mentioned was the dangers of “one-eyed prophets”.
I believe technology has so many benefits as well as so many cons. I have personally encountered so many individuals who only harp on the bad parts of technology, while I understand their point of views, being a digital studies major I have gotten the privilege to see so much of the good technology has brought to the world.
I think what the postman was talking about in terms of “one-eyed prophets”, I think it can definitely be dangerous and can lead people into having a fear of technology which is very common in present days.
In the film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, good vs evil and winners vs losers is very prevalent. The character “Judge Doom” if it isn;t already obvious in the name was the antagonist in the film. He created a new technology called “the dip” to get rid of toons for good.
Postman mentioned that the introduction of new technology connects to winners vs losers. In “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, Judge Doom technically was the loser in the film because other characters were not fond of his new technology and wanted it destroyed.
Judge Doom and Eddie Valiant competed against each other for one to get their way and ultimately fight/argument. I thought of this as an example of media wars which Postman described as new technologies competing with existing ones.