Krysta Ghosting Trading Card

I made the trading card similar to the game I created last week titled “Cyberheist”. The color themes I used on my game were dark purple, blue, white, and black. I used these colors in the trading card as well to make it cohesive with the game.

Both my game and trading card are based on my course character “ Krysta Ghosting”. I wasn’t sure how to create my character from scratch and post it onto the card so I went to pinterest and found a picture that looked closest to what I envision “Krysta” looking.

The description of Krysta explains that she is in fact a ghost coexisting with humans. The ghost portion of Krysta is really what I wanted to play off of when describing her best attributes and abilities on my trading card.

For example her “disappearing speed” and her weakness of being ”easily tricked” which I tried playing off “trick or treat” and halloween which ghosts are often connected to. I really enjoyed this assignment. I think it turned out really well and connected to the game and character I created really well. 

Assignment Idea, DesignAssignments
