This week was extremely chill, which like another classmate mentioned in their blog, it kind of gave me anxiety. I read over this weeks plan multiple times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.
I was able to find my group relatively quickly. We’ve already agreed on a story line for our radio show. Our whole group of characters are Femme Fatales, so we’re going to base our show off of that and talk about random topics as our character.
I’m really excited I feel this will be more difficult then it sounds, but i’m ready for the challenge. We’ve shared contact information and we agreed to meet Monday to talk about the radio show.
One thing I’m excited about is to put a face to some of the blogs i’ve seen. I don’t know a lot of people in this class but everyone’s blogs look so cool so i’m excited to see the person behind the blog.
Here are the three daily creates I decided to do this week. They aren’t super exciting as previous weeks, but I think they’re still worth a look.
I’m super excited to get started on the radio show next week. I’ve never done anything like this so it should be a fun experience. I’m also so excited to see what everyone else comes up with. Everyone is so creative it should be fun to see the finished project of everyones radio show.
I hope you guys enjoyed, see you next week..
Sincerely, Kristen