Tag: WeeklySummary

  • Prepping for week 9

    This week was extremely chill, which like another classmate mentioned in their blog, it kind of gave me anxiety. I read over this weeks plan multiple times to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.

    I was able to find my group relatively quickly. We’ve already agreed on a story line for our radio show. Our whole group of characters are Femme Fatales, so we’re going to base our show off of that and talk about random topics as our character.

    I’m really excited I feel this will be more difficult then it sounds, but i’m ready for the challenge. We’ve shared contact information and we agreed to meet Monday to talk about the radio show.

    One thing I’m excited about is to put a face to some of the blogs i’ve seen. I don’t know a lot of people in this class but everyone’s blogs look so cool so i’m excited to see the person behind the blog.

    Here are the three daily creates I decided to do this week. They aren’t super exciting as previous weeks, but I think they’re still worth a look.

    I’m super excited to get started on the radio show next week. I’ve never done anything like this so it should be a fun experience. I’m also so excited to see what everyone else comes up with. Everyone is so creative it should be fun to see the finished project of everyones radio show.

    I hope you guys enjoyed, see you next week..

    Sincerely, Kristen

  • Lots of Creativity

    I really enjoyed all of the assignments this week. I love editing posters, videos, newsletters, etc which is what this week mainly consisted of.

    To start off I completed e daily creates this week Monday – Wednesday. I loved all the prompts especially the short story. I feel like i’m getting much better at the daily creates when it comes to creativity.

    This week I created a GIF based off my favorite movie, took a photo of the sunset from the grasses perspective, and wrote a short story about the mystical land of “Neverwinter”.

    For Wednesday’s create the only problem I ran into was the word count error. I wasn’t aware that there was a limit to the amount of words you can use, but it makes sense. This caused me to have to make 2 parts.

    Click here to check out the creates for week 7!

    The two poster assignments this week were super fun to create. I created one sports related poster and one newsletter based off the movie “The Terminator”.

    I created both assignments on Canva since i’m familiar with the site. For the sports poster I based it off my course character’s favorite activity after work, which is watching football with her dad.

    In that poster I explain why I used the colors, fonts, specific teams, and pictures to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

    For ‘The Terminator” poster I created it was a bit harder since i’m not as familiar with the film. I had to do some background work on the film to fill in the missing holes that could make my poster more exciting.

    In this newsletter I explain why I used the color schemes I did as well as the photos I chose to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

    Overall this was on of my favorite weeks so far in terms of editing. I also loved seeing everyone elses daily creates and posters! Some honorable mentions are Rebecca’s Radiant Realm’s newsletter and @Coni’s Wednesday daily create short story.

    Hope you guys enjoyed week 7, see you in a couple of weeks!

    Sincerely, Kristen

  • Lots of Creativity

    I really enjoyed all of the assignments this week. I love editing posters, videos, newsletters, etc which is what this week mainly consisted of.

    To start off I completed e daily creates this week Monday – Wednesday. I loved all the prompts especially the short story. I feel like i’m getting much better at the daily creates when it comes to creativity.

    This week I created a GIF based off my favorite movie, took a photo of the sunset from the grasses perspective, and wrote a short story about the mystical land of “Neverwinter”.

    For Wednesday’s create the only problem I ran into was the word count error. I wasn’t aware that there was a limit to the amount of words you can use, but it makes sense. This caused me to have to make 2 parts.

    Click here to check out the creates for week 7!

    The two poster assignments this week were super fun to create. I created one sports related poster and one newsletter based off the movie “The Terminator”.

    I created both assignments on Canva since i’m familiar with the site. For the sports poster I based it off my course character’s favorite activity after work, which is watching football with her dad.

    In that poster I explain why I used the colors, fonts, specific teams, and pictures to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

    For ‘The Terminator” poster I created it was a bit harder since i’m not as familiar with the film. I had to do some background work on the film to fill in the missing holes that could make my poster more exciting.

    In this newsletter I explain why I used the color schemes I did as well as the photos I chose to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

    Overall this was on of my favorite weeks so far in terms of editing. I also loved seeing everyone elses daily creates and posters! Some honorable mentions are Rebecca’s Radiant Realm’s newsletter and @Coni’s Wednesday daily create short story.

    Hope you guys enjoyed week 7, see you in a couple of weeks!

    Sincerely, Kristen

  • A week full of editing

    Editing is one of my favorite things to do so this weeks audio assignments were really fun for me to dive into

    First let’s get into the daily creates. I uploaded 2 for the week, one Monday and one Friday. Here is the link to check them out!

    I’m still really enjoying daily creates and I look forward to seeing what everyone does every week because everyone interprets them differently. In this weeks daily creates you’ll get to hear my not so great attempt at a Scottish accent. I recorded “there’s been a murder” on my phone and uploaded it to mastodon. I tried not to think too much about it of course to push my comfort and creativity.

    I decided to do 3 video assignments this week. Mainly just because I really enjoy the video assignments and I like getting the practice with video and audio editing as much as possible.

    Here are the links to my 3 video assignments this week!

    In the “compilation” video assignment, I decided to pick the word “workout”. I went to “Youtube” and just searched up the word “workout” from there I screen recorded small clips until I had about 12 different clips. Some of the clips consist of workouts, gym clothing hauls, healthy eating, stretching, and workout podcasts.

    After I gathered all of my clips I uploaded and edited them on instagram reels. Im very familiar with instagram reels its easy to use and insert a music background. I then uploaded it to “Canva” and added a couple of extra effects to it. Loved this assignment!

    For the highlight reel, one of favorite actors is Andrew Garfield. I decided to do kind of a ranking of my favorite scenes in movies i’ve watched with him in. All of the clips I found on “Youtube” and I labeled the movie and what number ranking I felt it was.

    I did my top 3 favorite scenes by him, but honestly all of his movies are great!

    I also edited this on “Canva” for some extra effects. I added music to the beginning, but no music to the actual scenes that way you as the audience isn’t distracted.

    Lastly I decided to change the ending song to the Tim Burton film “Corpse Bride”. This was pretty hard i’m honestly not completely satisfied with it. It was hard to sync the audio together correctly so you will notice that the talking parts of the video are very low.

    The song “Cry” by “Cigarettes after Sex” is one of my favorite songs and I feel like it can fit to the ending of any emotional scene in a movie. That’s why I picked it!

    I edited this on “TikTok” so I could use the song without copyright restrictions. That was one of the hardest obstacles for this assignment.

    Overall it was a very fu week i’m enjoying everyone else’s daily creates, video assignments, and Dr Oblivion reactions! I really enjoyed watching everyone’s and commented on a few of them.

    Thanks for reading! See you guys next week !

    Sincerely, Kristen

  • Coming Along

    This week I played around with a lot of creativity. I am currently still in the process of making my blog more personal. The hardest thing is making my blog easy for everyone to navigate and comment on. It’s definitely still a work in progress, but I love the color scheme and the name so far! I experimented with commenting back to a couple of you guys on mastodon and on your blogs. I’m excited to see more from you guys.

    The daily creations are super fun. At the beginning of the week I struggled trying to think of what to create.

    The first prompt was to make some kind of art about unexpected coincidences. The first thing I thought about was the fact that I keep seeing the time 4:16. I’m not sure if I was hyper focused on it, but for the past couple of days I was asking myself what does this mean? So I decided to make a montage of the time at 4:16.

    I created this on the canva website which I’m very familiar with and love creating posters, videos etc. I really enjoyed playing around with the clock templates and the different fonts. This only took me about 10 minutes to create.

    Daily create day 2 was to create bad art. Lucky for me that’s super easy! I’ve never been a great artist even though almost my whole family is extremely artistic.

    I’ve always stuck to drawing landscape or nature-like pictures just because it’s the easiest and what I’m most inspired by. I really just freestyle this picture. I always start by drawing trees and I go from there. I decided to add mountains, the sun as well as apples and flowers to add extra depth to the picture.

    Daily create 3 was the longest tallest shadow selfie. This was an interesting one, I’ve never thought about the difference in shadows at different points of the day.

    Thankfully it was pretty sunny today so I was able to get a good shadow. I took the photo off campus around 2:30ish. When I looked up the best time of day to get your tallest shadow it said sunrise, unfortunately I couldn’t get a sunrise picture, so I had to settle for a midday picture which ironically is supposedly the shortest shadow of the day.

    Happy birthday #DS106 radio! For daily create 4 I decided to share a happy birthday video collage from the cast of “Friends”.

    A lot of the birthday videos I wanted to share were already shared so I took a couple minutes to find a new one, thanks @bward for liking the video!

    Last daily create of the week was actually one of my favorites to do. If you interested in knowing what poem I picked here it is

    DON’T CLICK THE LINK if you don’t want a spoiler!

    This wasn’t too hard to create. I honestly just wonder if anyone guessed right? I would be very happy if someone did!

    Thank you @SarahHoneychu for liking the post!

    I absolutely loved the first assignment I did! I love creating collages so this one was super fun.

    Technically this is connected to “tech noir” in a small way. I had to create the opposite of “tech noir”.

    I asked Dr. Oblivion for his help with the assignment here was his response

    I created a very fantasy, mystical ozian, colorful theme which is very far from tech noir. Check it out!

    Creating my own game was a bit hard. I found it hard to choose what theme I wanted to do. I decided to relate my game to the “tech noir” aesthetic.

    I based my game aesthetic on my course character Krysta Ghosting.

    The character you see in the corner is a bit of what I visualize Krysta looking like. I kind of thought of it as Krysta playing the game and you can see her video icon in the corner, similar to twitch streams.

    I created this game intro on Canva since I’m very familiar with how to use it.

    I used neon black, blue, and red colors as well as the “magz” font to make it look more futuristic and game-like.

    I found a free website where I could get uncopyrighted music for free. I just screen recorded the audio I felt fit the vibe of my game the most and cut/adjusted the audio to fit the video best.

    I’m actually very proud of how my game home page came out! I love the music behind it. I wanted a very eerie, dark, hype vibe. I would love to perfect the game a bit more once I advance and understand how to navigate the website more.

    To be honest the title “Cyberheist” was very random, but it does fit the motive of the game. The game is about hacking into pastry shops and restaurants’ money records and stealing money. Like I said the game is based on my course character so if this seems random you should read up on her to get a better understanding 🙂

    Check it out!

    I loved this assignment mainly because I love listening to music.

    I’ve always had a hard time expressing how things make me feel emotionally so this was a bit hard, but I still loved it which is why I decided to do two songs!

    The two songs I chose are from my 2 favorite artists currently Ariana Grande and Madison Beer. These are also two of my favorite songs from both of them so I’m excited to share these thoughts with you guys.

    Creating Krysta Ghosting was definitely a task. I don’t find myself to be super creative so creating a character from scratch was a task. To meet Krysta Here is the link

    I’m glad I made her. I’m excited to see what we do with the course characters. Krysta is based off of some of my favorite films such as Hercules and Princess and the frog. Although I got inspo from the two she is very different from the two movies and you should go read more on her.

    Lastly for my weekly recap, meeting Dr Oblivion was definitely interesting. He can be very straightforward and to the point which comes off a little impatient and sarcastic at times. Here are some of the questions I asked him about Postman’s thoughts:

    If you would like to see my thoughts on Postman’s readings here is the link

    Thanks for reading my weekly recap looking forward to chatting and creating with you next week!

    Sincerely, Kristen

  • Finding My Footing

    I’m very excited for this course. I had mixed feelings coming into it because even though this course has been recommended to me multiple times, I was nervous to do a digital course online. After reading over the syllabus a couple of times I believe everything is pretty straightforward. I’m hoping by next week I’ll have a set schedule to stay on top of my assignments and get them done in time.

    I got all of my accounts set up and running. Mastodon actually ended up being the hardest to set up because it was giving me trouble. It kept asking me to reset my password over and over again which was weird, but I figured it out with help from a friend the next day. It was pretty easy to set up my new subdomain but it’s a bit different than navigating other sites I’ve created in past classes so I have to acquaint myself with it again.

    I really enjoyed rewatching “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” for my film review this week. I haven’t watched it since I was very young, but it was interesting watching it again while trying to analyze its connections to tech noir. I chose the film “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” because it isn’t a film typically seen as “tech noir”, so I did find it difficult to connect the two. I wasn’t fully aware of what the term “tech noir” was and at first it was hard to grasp what the definition of it was just because it seems very broad and that there are multiple different definitions circulating. I feel I have a pretty good understanding of what “tech noir” is, at least better than I did at the start of this week.

    I’m really looking forward to customizing my blog page next week and starting the daily creates!

  • A Very Creative Week

    I loved all of the assignments I did this week. They were all extremely creative and I learned so much about editing, color, aesthetics,fonts, etc.

    First I really enjoyed the videos, podcasts, and TedTalks we all watched this week. I never really thought about what went into creating movie posters and title screens.

    This is actually something I have interest in after Mary Washington, so it was nice seeing how colors, fonts, and style all play into creating these super iconic and cool visuals.

    The PhotoBlitz assignment of course only took 20 minetes, but I definitely am still figuring out how to stop stressing so much about making everything perfect. I was very stumped on the promt about openness and destruction. Although I thought this was a really fun and creative assignment.

    I loved all three assignments I picked this week I picked 2 from the design category and 1 from the visual category. My favorite was creating the Pinterst board for mu course character Krysta. The distress and color assignment turned out to be the most challenging of them all surprisingly. It’s definitely a fun and creative brain game.

    I’m really enjoying the daily creates. I look forward to seeing what the new ones will be each day. I did Wednesday – Friday this week and posted them all on Mastadon.

    I really enjoyed this weeks assignments I feel like they were all really creative and i’m really enjoying creating things for my course charcter. I’m enjoying everyones blogs everyone’s is so unique and cool, it’s all giving me inspo for my blog as well! I really love Cinder’s Wonderland your blog looks so cool unique!

    Sincerley, Kristen