The song “Cry” by Cigarettes after sex” is such an emotional song. I feel like the dark, sad, heavy, and eery vibes to the song can pretty much fit any movie ending that ends in heartbreak or any kind of sadness.
The movie “Corpse Bride” is one of my favorite halloween and Tim Burton movies. I knew the movie ended in a sad yet happy heartbreak, which is very fitting to this song in my opinion.
I edited this on TikTok which is something i’ve never done before. I’m not super happy with the audio so I plan to go in and perfect it more later.
The reason I used TikTok was because it was the only platform that would let me upload my video without copyright restrictions.
Since the song was already uploaded to TikTok it was easier for me to sync it the screen recorded video I made.
Though it’s not my favorite outcome, I still enjoyed the assignment. Hope you enjoy!
AssignmentIdea, VideoAssignments
Sincerely, Kristen